论文作者:李柏淡 金华爱 吉干方
文章页码:105 - 112
关键词:黑钨矿; 方解石; 电气石; 腐植酸钠; 水玻璃; 浮选研究; 分离浮选; 脉石矿物; 捕收剂; 表面电性质
摘 要:本文研究了铅盐、水玻璃、腐植酸钠对黑钨矿及其主要伴生脉石矿物——石英、电气石,方解石的表面电性质及可浮性。并对黑钨矿与上述伴生矿物组成的人工混合矿进行分离浮选试验。结果表明:在以甲苯胂酸作捕收剂、硝酸铅为活化剂的条件下,分离浮选除应正确选择介质 pH 值和抑制剂外,伴生脉石矿物的种类和含量是重要的影响因素。
Abstract: In the paper,the effect of lead nitrate,sodium humate and sodium silli- cate on surface electrical properties and floatability for wolframite and main- ly associated gangues-quartz,elbaite and calcite was studied.And the flotation separating experiment of synthetic mixed minerals,such as wolfra- mite-quartz,wolframite-elbaite and wolframite-calcite,was carried out, too.It was shown that besides pH value and depressant,the type and amount of gangue mineral was also an important and effective factor for flotation separation process on condition that O.P.toluene arsonic acid was used as a collector and lead nitrate was used as an activator.