论文作者:吴若琼 朱敏 刘今
文章页码:428 - 431
关键词:氢氧化铝; 絮凝剂; 沉降
Key words:aluminum hydroxide; flocculants; sedimentation
摘 要:对氢氧化铝料浆的絮凝剂进行了研究.采用作者新开发的2种絮凝剂V及ZJ可以有效地强化氢氧化铝沉降.研究了絮凝剂的使用浓度、温度、添加方式、搅拌时间及转速的影响.测定了电位和粘度的变化.探讨了絮凝机理及强化原因.
Abstract: The present paper studies the flocculants for aluminium hydroxide settling. There were two flocculants developed which could raise the settling rate of aluminium hydroxide. The concentration and addition method of flocculants, the temperature and stirring time and velocity of process were studied. The potential was measured. And the mechanism of flocculation was alos discussed.