论文作者:张钦礼 彭续承 王新民 欧阳年开
文章页码:30 - 32
关键词:充填; 粗尾; 细尾; 脱尾
Key words:filling; crude tailings; fine tailings; deslimed tailings
摘 要:以实验室尾砂物理性质分析和强度试验为基础,结合水口山矿务局廉家湾矿区实际充填资料,论证了尾砂坝内不同位五尾砂对充填体强度的影响,为实现全尾砂胶结充填提供了依据.
Abstract: This paper presents the effect of the tailings on the backfilling strength piled on the dif-ferent sites in the tailing pond,according to the treSults of the physical properties of the lail-ings and the backfilling strength experiments,and the fill experience practised in Kangjiawanmine area. It provides seientific basis for the mill tailings cemented filltleslgn and production.