
Transformations and phase relations in Nb-Ti-Si ternary system at 1373~1473K


论文作者:王日初 柳春雷 金展鹏

文章页码:383 - 387

Key words:Nb-Ti-Si ternary system; diffusion triple technique; isothermal sections; phase transformations; phase relations

Abstract: The isothermal sections of the Nb-Ti-Si ternary system at 1473K and 1373K were determined by means of diffusion triple technique and electron microprobe analysis. By analyzing the diffusion layers in the diffusion couples, the titanium silicides and niobium silicides forming in this system were identified. The results show that no ternary compounds formed in the Nb-Ti-Si ternary system at the test temperatures. The phase transformations occurring on cooling from 1473K to 1373K were discussed.


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