

论文作者:何旭辉 邹云峰 周佳 史康 黄永明

文章页码:407 - 415

关键词:风屏障; 风荷载; 列车风; 多分辨率

Key words:wind barrier; wind loads; train induced wind; multi-resolution

摘    要:基于我国新建南宁—广州(客货共线,设计时速250 km/h)联调联试,对CRH380型动车组作用下的某大桥上风屏障风荷载进行实测,并采用基于小波变换的多分辨率分析方法对风压特性进行分析。研究结果表明:风屏障表面平均风压随时间变化出现2个明显的波动,具有明显的非平稳特性;低频部分风压对风屏障起控制作用,0~2.44 Hz频段能量占总能量的94%以上;列车运行速度对风压能量在频域内的分布情况影响不大,仅风压极值随运行速度的提高略有增加。

Abstract: The wind loads on wind barrier were measured by wind pressure test during the railway combined test of the Nanning—Guangzhou Railway (a mixture of passenger and freight at speeds up to 250 km/h). Then multi-resolution analysis based on wavelet transform was applied to analyze the field measurement to reveal the characteristics of wind pressure. The results show that averaged wind pressure exhibits two significant fluctuations over time, which means the pressure has obvious non-stationary characteristics. Furthermore, the energy in 0 to 2.44 Hz frequency bands accounts for 94% of total energy, which indicates wind pressure components in lower frequency bands play a dominant role in the wind barrier design. In addition, the train operating speed has negligible effect on the energy distribution of wind pressure in frequency domain, while extreme pressure increases slightly with the increase of running speed.

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