论文作者:谢建新 曹乃光
文章页码:51 - 59
关键词:挤压; 流体静压力; 热应力; 应力分析; 变形区; 粘塑性流动; 圆柱体; 公式(数学);
Key words:extrusion; hydrostatic pressure; thermal stress; stress analysis; deforming zone; viscoplastic flow; cylinders; formula(mathematics)
摘 要:本文采用粘塑性流动模型描述了材料的热挤压变形行为,从球坐标粘性流体运动微分方程组的最一般形式出发,确定了轴对称挤压变形区内的静水压力和各应力分量的一般方程,然后导出了圆棒热挤压力的计算公式。
Abstract: With viscoplasticity model, materials’ deformation behavior in hot extrusion was discribed. Based on the solution to the most common differential equations of the movement of viscous fluid, common equations of static pressure and stresses in deformation region were determined. Then a formula for calculating hot extrusion force of rods was deduced.