论文作者:战莉 程相利 苍大强 孙小跃 柴清风
文章页码:24 - 27
关键词:电脉冲; 高碳钢; 三维碳偏析
Key words:electric pulse discharging; high carbon steel; three-dimensional carbon segregation
摘 要:通过处理样和空白样的对比研究可知:经电脉冲处理的高碳钢的三维偏析程度明显改善,各横截面上的碳的质量分数波动在4.5%以内,而未处理的碳的质量分数波动达15.1%;不同高度横截面的对应点碳的质量分数分布趋于均匀,中心、1/2半径和边缘各点的碳的质量分数在纵向上波动很小,波动范围在4.5%以内,而未处理的碳的质量分数波动达12.5%。
Abstract: By contrasting of settled and unsettled test specimens,the following conclusions were obtained that the sample imposed electric pulse in a liquid state can make three-dimensional carbon segregation remarkable improved.Fluctuations of the carbon content in different cross-section were less than 4.5% for settled test specimen,but for unsettled test specimen it reached to 15.1%.The distribution of carbon content in different height sections for corresponding points-center point,1/2 radius and edge point tend to be even if the sample was treated by electric pulse,and the variations are 4.5% and 12.5% respectively for treated and untreated sample by electric pulse.
2.昆明钢铁集团有限责任公司,云南昆明 650302
3.河北化工医药职业技术学院,河北石家庄 050026)
摘 要:通过处理样和空白样的对比研究可知:经电脉冲处理的高碳钢的三维偏析程度明显改善,各横截面上的碳的质量分数波动在4.5%以内,而未处理的碳的质量分数波动达15.1%;不同高度横截面的对应点碳的质量分数分布趋于均匀,中心、1/2半径和边缘各点的碳的质量分数在纵向上波动很小,波动范围在4.5%以内,而未处理的碳的质量分数波动达12.5%。
关键词:电脉冲; 高碳钢; 三维碳偏析