论文作者:郑国渠 张延松 张九渊 卢建树
文章页码:233 - 235
关键词:铝; 二次电解; 白色化; 氧化膜; 电流回落现象
Key words:aluminum; secondary electrolysis; surface whitening; oxide film; current descent phenomenon
摘 要:以低浓度硫酸溶液为主液 ,添加硼酸或磺基水扬酸、乳酸以及丙三醇等具有缓蚀及缓冲作用的物质组成混合电解液 ,在常规硫酸阳极氧化膜上获得均匀不透明白色膜层 ,通过电流密度—时间关系曲线 ,发现形成不透明白色膜特有的“电流回落现象”。性能测试表明 ,二次电解制得的不透明白色氧化膜厚度及耐蚀性与常规硫酸阳极氧化膜相当 ,而硬度较差 ,但仍能满足常规装饰性能要求。
Abstract: An opaque white film on aluminum parts surface is obtained by secondary electrolysis after conventional anodic oxidation. The electrolyte consists of dilute sulphuric acid solution containing boric acid or sulfoaslicylic acid, lactic acid and glycerine. Based on the current density—time curves, the peculiar current descent phenomenon of white film is discovered. Compared with the conventional anodic oxide film, the secondary electrolysis white film has equal thickness and corrosion resistance, but worse microhardness which can still satisfy the quality requirement of ordinary ornament application.