
Studies on electrical properties and CO-sensing characteristics of La0.9 0.1FeO3

来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths2011年第4期

论文作者:牟宗刚 张玲 李曦峰 胡季帆

文章页码:374 - 377

摘    要:Semiconducting sensors offer an inexpensive and simple method for monitoring gases. Sensors based on the ABO3-type composite oxides materials have an advantage of high stability. The perovskite structures of these compounds are preserved, when an A-site deficiency of some perovskite structure compounds was formed. However, they exhibit particular physical properties. In this paper, La0.9 0.1FeO3 powder with an orthorhombic perovskite phase was prepared by sol-gel method. The electrical properties and CO-sensing characteristics of the La0.9 0.1FeO3 were also investigated. The results demonstrated that the La0.9 0.1FeO3 was a p-type semiconductor material. Compared with LaFeO3, the conductance of La0.9 0.1FeO3 was better than that of LaFeO3. The sensor based on La0.9 0.1FeO3 showed excellent CO gas-sensing characteristics.


Studies on electrical properties and CO-sensing characteristics of La0.9 0.1FeO3


1. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Fluorine Chemistry and Chemical Materials, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Jinan2. School of Resources and Evironment, University of Jinan3. State Key Laboratory for Crystal Materials and School of Physics and Microelectronics, Shandong University

摘 要:Semiconducting sensors offer an inexpensive and simple method for monitoring gases. Sensors based on the ABO3-type composite oxides materials have an advantage of high stability. The perovskite structures of these compounds are preserved, when an A-site deficiency of some perovskite structure compounds was formed. However, they exhibit particular physical properties. In this paper, La0.9 0.1FeO3 powder with an orthorhombic perovskite phase was prepared by sol-gel method. The electrical properties and CO-sensing characteristics of the La0.9 0.1FeO3 were also investigated. The results demonstrated that the La0.9 0.1FeO3 was a p-type semiconductor material. Compared with LaFeO3, the conductance of La0.9 0.1FeO3 was better than that of LaFeO3. The sensor based on La0.9 0.1FeO3 showed excellent CO gas-sensing characteristics.


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