论文作者:张鹏飞 许德明 黄枢
文章页码:29 - 32
关键词:锥角; 圆柱型旋流器; 分级
Key words:cone angle; cylindrical hydrocyclone; classification
摘 要:研制了一种新型的具有双层锥底的加冲洗水圆柱型旋流器;对锥角的搭配与分级行为的影响作了探讨。在对4种锥角搭配分别进行溢流管直径、沉砂口直径、给矿压力和冲洗水量对分级效率影响的试验后表明,当2个锥角均为90°时,效果最好。在此条件下,其分级效率比普通圆柱型旋流器提高了10.07%。
Abstract: A new type of water-injected cylindrical hydrocyclone with two layers of cone is deve-loped and the effects of the cone angle matching on the classification perfomance are studied.Four cone angle matchings are adopted and for each matching the influences of vortex finderdiameter,spigot diameter,feed pressure and flow rate of washing water have been investigat-ed.It is shown that the best result is obtained when both cone angles are.equal to 90°. In thiscase the classification efficiency is 10.07%greater than that of ordinary cylindrical hydrocy-clone.