论文作者:吴爱祥 古德生 戴兴国
文章页码:455 - 459
关键词:散料; 含水量; 流动特性; 阻塞
Key words:bulk solid; water content; flow characteristics; blockage
摘 要:在大量试验研究和理论分析的基础上,阐明了改善散体流动性对散料处理工程的重要性;揭示了水份对散体流动性的影响规律及其对细粒物料摩擦力和粘结力的作用机理;得出了在散料处理工程中控制散体最优含水量有益于避免堵塞的重要结论.
Abstract: Based on a lot of experimental studies and theoretic analyses,the importance of improv-ing the flow property of bulk solid in bulk solid handling engineering has been emphasized.And the regularity of influence of water content on the flow property of bulk solid has beenstudied. At the same time,the action mechanism of water content to frictional force and cohe-sive force of fine particle materical has been investigated too, As a result of study,we canconclude that controlling optimum water content of bulk solid is helpful for avoiding blockingin bulk solid handling engineering.