Intelligent prediction on performance of high-temperature heat pump systems using different refrigerants


论文作者:于晓慧 ZHANG Yu-feng(张于峰) ZHANG Yan(张彦) 贺中禄 董胜明 马学莲 姚胜

文章页码:2754 - 2765

Key words:high-temperature heat pump; experimental performance; support vector machine; back propagation neural network; performance prediction

Abstract: Two new binary near-azeotropic mixtures named M1 and M2 were developed as the refrigerants of the high-temperature heat pump (HTHP). The experimental research was used to analyze and compare the performance of M1 and M2-based in the HTHP in different running conditions. The results demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of M1 and M2 as new high-temperature refrigerants. Additionally, the exploration and analyses of the support vector machine (SVM) and back propagation (BP) neural network models were made to find a practical way to predict the performance of HTHP system. The results showed that SVM-Linear, SVM-RBF and BP models shared the similar ability to predict the heat capacity and power input with high accuracy. SVM-RBF demonstrated better stability for coefficient of performance prediction. Finally, the proposed SVM model was used to assess the potential of the M1 and M2. The results indicated that the HTHP system using M1 could produce heat at the temperature of 130 °C with good performance.

Cite this article as: YU Xiao-hui, ZHANG Yu-feng, ZHANG Yan, HE Zhong-lu, DONG Sheng-ming, MA Xue-lian, YAO Sheng. Intelligent prediction on performance of high-temperature heat pump systems using different refrigerants [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(11): 2754–2765. DOI:

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