

论文作者:李慧中 刘洪挺 郭菲菲 王海军 梁霄鹏 刘楚明

文章页码:1498 - 1505


Key words:Mg-10Gd-4.8Y-0.6Zr alloy; corrosion behavior; ageing time

摘    要:采用浸泡实验和电化学分析,探讨时效过程中挤压Mg-10Gd-4.8Y-0.6Zr合金的腐蚀行为。结果表明:合金的腐蚀速率随着时效时间的延长而逐渐减小;合金抗腐蚀性能随着时效析出相的长大、粗化而逐渐提高;开路电位随着时效时间的延长而逐渐变正。由极化曲线可知,在时效处理中,阴极电位和阳极电流的平稳期发生改变,阴极电位随着时效时间的延长而增加(抑制效应),而阳极电流的平稳期随着时效时间的延长而降低(催化效应)。

Abstract: The corrosion behaviors of Mg-10Gd-4.8Y-0.6Zr extruded-alloys with various ageing time were investigated by immersion test and electrochemical measurements. The results show that the corrosion rate of the experimental alloy decreases with the increase of ageing time from 0 to 108 h. The corrosion resistance of the experimental alloy was found to increase with the increase of the size of the precipitate phases. The open circuit potential of the experimental alloy increases with the increase of the ageing time. The potentiodynamic polarization curves show that the cathodic over-potential increases with the increase of ageing time, leading to a decrease in the current density of anodic current plateau with the increase of ageing time.


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