Reflection of thermo-elastic wave in semiconductor nanostructures nonlocal porous medium


论文作者:HASHMAT Ali ADNAN Jahangir AFTAB Khan

文章页码:3188 - 3201

Key words:three-phase lag model; semiconductor; fractional order time derivative; non-local theory; nanostructure; voids; reflection

Abstract: The current work is an extension of the nonlocal elasticity theory to fractional order thermo-elasticity in semiconducting nanostructure medium with voids. The analysis is made on the reflection phenomena in context of three-phase-lag thermo-elastic model. It is observed that, four-coupled longitudinal waves and an independent shear vertical wave exist in the medium which is dispersive in nature. It is seen that longitudinal waves are damped, and shear wave is un-damped when angular frequency is less than the cut-off frequency. The voids, thermal and non-local parameter affect the dilatational waves whereas shear wave is only depending upon non-local parameter. It is found that reflection coefficients are affected by nonlocal and fractional order parameters. Reflection coefficients are calculated analytically and computed numerically for a material, silicon and discussed graphically in details. The results for local (classical) theory are obtained as a special case. The study may be useful in semiconductor nanostructure, geology and seismology in addition to semiconductor nanostructure devices.

Cite this article as: HASHMAT Ali, ADNAN Jahangir, AFTAB Khan. Reflection of thermo-elastic wave in semiconductor nanostructures nonlocal porous medium [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(11): 3188-3201. DOI:

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