

论文作者:姬忠涛 张正富 周效峰

文章页码:1326 - 1331


Key words:β-NiOOH; synthesis; discharge capacity; alkaline battery; ozonation process

摘    要:利用臭氧在常温下氧化球形β-Ni(OH)2,制得β-NiOOH。通过X射线衍射、光电子能谱分析、扫描电镜等对样品结构进行表征。采用循环伏安及恒流放电实验研究所制β-NiOOH样品的电化学性能。结果表明:样品主要成分是平均粒径为13 μm的球形β-NiOOH颗粒,不含γ-NiOOH。在样品以0.5C的放电倍率放电至0.5 V时,其放电比容量为200.4 mA·h/g,并具有较平坦的放电曲线。采用本方法所制样品的电极可逆性优于采用其他方法制备的β-NiOOH的可逆性,且未额外引入杂质元素,是一种制备纯净NiOOH的方法。

Abstract: β-NiOOH was synthesized by using ozone to oxidaze spherical β-Ni(OH)2 at room temperature. The X-ray power diffraction (XRD), X-ray photo electronic spectrum (XPS) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to characterize the structure of the sample. The electrochemical performance of the β-NiOOH samples was studied by cyclic voltammetry and constant-current discharge test. The results show that the sample is spherical β-NiOOH with diameter of 13 μm and does not contain γ-NiOOH. The largest discharge capacity of β-NiOOH samples is 200.4 mA·h/g when the samples are discharged to 0.5 V at a rate of 0.5C, and have a flatter discharge curves. Moreover, the β-NiOOH sample synthesized with this method has a better reversibility than those synthesized by other methods and contains no extra impurities. So, it is a better way of preparing pure NiOOH.


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