Characterization and coagulation performance of polymeric phosphate ferric sulfate on eutrophic water
论文作者:焦世珺 郑怀礼 陈容 邓小莉 邓琳莉 吉方英
文章页码:345 - 350
Key words:polymeric phosphate ferric sulfate (PPFS); ferron speciation analysis; ζ-potential; eutrophic water
Abstract: Polymeric phosphate ferric sulfate (PPFS),a new improved coagulation reagent,was prepared by polymeric ferric sulfate (PFS),Na2HPO4 and NaOH. The degree of iron polymerisation (Fepol) of PPFS was determined by means of the ferron-timed spectroscopy method. Furthermore,the effect of n(P)/n(Fe),alkalization degree,pH value,and PPFS dosage on the removal rate of eutrophic water turbidity and chl-a and ζ-potential of products were also investigated. The experimental results show that the best n(P)/n(Fe) of flocculation effect in stable product of PFFS is 0.3; the best alkalization degree of flocculation effect is 0.2,while the n(P)/n(Fe) is 0.3. Under the neutral and subalkalic (pH value is 7-8) conditions,PPFS achieves the best processing efficiency. PPFS has more excellent turbidity and higher chlorophyl removal rate by studying treatment eutrophic water in comparison with PFS.