Aware conflict detection of non-uniform memory access system and prevention for transactional memory


论文作者:王睿伯 卢凯 卢锡城

文章页码:2266 - 2271

Key words:transactional memory; non-uniform memory access (NUMA); conflict detection; conflict prevention

Abstract: Most transactional memory (TM) research focused on multi-core processors, and others investigated at the clusters, leaving the area of non-uniform memory access (NUMA) system unexplored. The existing TM implementations made significant performance degradation on NUMA system because they ignored the slower remote memory access. To solve this problem, a latency-based conflict detection and a forecasting-based conflict prevention method were proposed. Using these techniques, the NUMA aware TM system was presented. By reducing the remote memory access and the abort rate of transaction, the experiment results show that the NUMA aware strategies present good practical TM performance on NUMA system.

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