
Creating Local Reinforcement of a Channel in a Composite Casting Using Electromagnetic Separation


论文作者:Slawomir Golak Maciej Dyzia

文章页码:918 - 922

摘    要:This article presents a new method to obtain local reinforcement in near-surface layers of channels in castings made of a particle-reinforced metal matrix composite in the alternating electromagnetic field generated by an inductor placed inside the channel. In centrifugal casting, the centrifugal force on the particles leads to the formation of composite structures, while in the proposed method, the electromagnetic force field on the particles results in the designed structure of the composite casting. The article reports the experimental verification of this method using an aluminium sleeve reinforced locally with Si C particles at the inner wall.


Creating Local Reinforcement of a Channel in a Composite Casting Using Electromagnetic Separation

Slawomir Golak,Maciej Dyzia

Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Silesian University of Technology

摘 要:This article presents a new method to obtain local reinforcement in near-surface layers of channels in castings made of a particle-reinforced metal matrix composite in the alternating electromagnetic field generated by an inductor placed inside the channel. In centrifugal casting, the centrifugal force on the particles leads to the formation of composite structures, while in the proposed method, the electromagnetic force field on the particles results in the designed structure of the composite casting. The article reports the experimental verification of this method using an aluminium sleeve reinforced locally with Si C particles at the inner wall.


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