

论文作者:苗惊雷 刘珏 王汇丰 杨海林 阮建明

文章页码:2053 - 2061


Key words:porous Ta-Nb alloy; low elastic modulus; pore structure; in vitro evaluation

摘    要:通过海绵浸渍法和烧结技术制备得到组织工程用的高孔隙Ta-10%Nb支架材料,该材料的孔隙尺寸为300~600 μm,孔隙率达到(68.0±0.41)%,同时开孔率高达(93.5±2.6)%。研究表明,制备得到的Ta-10%Nb支架材料具有与人体骨组织相似的弹性模量(2.54±0.5) GPa和抗压强度(83.43±2.5) MPa。同时,这种材料具有良好的三维空间结构单元,通过在该材料上进行鼠MC3T3-E1细胞共培养发现,细胞能很好地粘附生长和增殖。该材料所具备的良好生物力学性能和生物相容性能,使其在生物医学组织工程支架材料应用中具有良好的应用前景。这种多孔金属材料拥有良好的孔隙结构单元、适当的孔隙率以及大的表面积,使得该材料与细胞发生良好的作用。

Abstract: A highly porous Ta-10%Nb alloy was successfully prepared for tissue engineering via the methods of the sponge impregnation and sintering techniques. The porous Ta-10%Nb alloy offers the capability of processing a pore size of 300-600 μm, a porosity of (68.0±0.41)%, and open porosity of (93.5±2.6)%. The alloy also shows desirable mechanical properties similar to those of cancellous bone with the elastic modulus and the comprehensive strength of (2.54±0.5) GPa and (83.43±2.5) MPa, respectively. The morphology of the pores in the porous Ta-Nb alloy shows a good interconnected three-dimension (3D) network open cell structure. It is also found that the rat MC3T3-E1 cell can well adhere, grow and proliferate on the porous Ta-Nb alloy. The interaction of the porous alloy on cells is attributed to its desirable pore structure, porosity and the great surface area. The advanced mechanical and biocompatible properties of the porous alloy indicate that this material has promising potential applications in tissue engineering.

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