
Estimation of thermal expansion properties of quasicrystalline alloys


论文作者:齐育红 张占平 黑祖昆

文章页码:152 - 155

Key words:Al65Cu20Cr15alloy; quasicrystalline alloy; composite; thermal expansion coefficients

Abstract: By investigating the thermal expansion properties of three quasicrystalline alloys Al65Cu20Cr15quenched, Al65 Cu20Cr15cast and Al65Cu20Fe15cast particles reinforced Al matrix composites from 25℃to 500℃, the thermal expansion coefficients of three quasicrystalline alloys were theoretically estimated. The results show that the thermal expansion coefficients of the composites are much lower than that of pure Al, and the thermal expansion coefficients of the composites reinforced by Al-Cu-Cr quasicrystalline particles are lower than those of the composites reinforced by Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline particles. According to estimating, quasicrystalline alloys have negative thermal expansion coefficients, and the thermal expansion coefficients of Al-Cu-Cr quasicrystalline alloys are lower than those of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline alloys. In the alloys, the more the qusicrystalline content, the lower the thermal expansion coefficient.


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