

论文作者:曾文飞 伍雁鹏 张英杰

文章页码:2264 - 2268


Key words:anti-counterfeiting; e-commerce; radio frequency identification

摘    要:针对商业领域的假冒问题,利用射频识别技术可扩充、灵活、安全等特点,结合一次一密认证机制,研究读写器与电子标签的初始化和电子标签的验证,设计一种新型安全的防伪技术。研究结果表明:该技术应用伪随机密钥与简单比特运算实现读写器与电子标签之间的信息交换,算法复杂度低;该方案可以有效保护产品真实性,能较好地应用于黄金、珠宝首饰、特色图书等贵重物品流通过程的防伪保护,具有较大的商业推广价值和应用价值。

Abstract: Due to the counterfeiting of commercial field, the initialization of the reader/writer and the tag verification were designed and a new safe anti-counterfeiting scheme was presented by making full use of the scalability, flexibility and security of RFID (Radio frequency identification) and the one-time pad. The scheme uses pseudo-random key and simple bitwise operations to achieve the information exchange between reader/writer and tags and lower the complexity of algorithm. The statistics and the security analysis results indicate that the proposed scheme can protect the authenticity of products, and can be effectively applied to anti-counterfeiting of the circulation of valuables such as gold, jewelers and featured books. Obviously this scheme is useful for business promotion and application.

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