

论文作者:王益伟 罗周全 杨彪 熊立新 欧阳仕远 曹文胜

文章页码:1002 - 1011


Key words:groundwater abundant mines; mining groundwater environment; failure mechanism; system stochastic model; disaster criterion

摘    要:基于大水矿山开采水环境由人工排水系统及天然的地下水系统共同构成,通过系统分析方法,构建大水矿山排水-地下水开采水环境系统。在此基础上,进行大水矿山开采水环境系统失效致灾机理研究,建立大水矿山排水-地下水开采环境系统随机模型及系统失效致灾判据。将所建立的模型及判据应用于凡口铅锌矿大水地下开采矿山。研究结果表明:在一定时域范围内,模型可有效识别系统的灾害状态;系统失效致灾是系统输入流量大于输出流量,系统水位离散程度随时间不断增大,以及系统自身结构承受安全水位的能力过低共同作用的结果,从影响程度来讲,系统流量差的变化对灾害影响最大,其次为安全水位,最后为系统的随机作用;所建立的系统模型及系统失效致灾判据具有实用性和有效性,研究成果可为大水矿山开采水害防治提供有效的技术支持。

Abstract: Considering that the actual mining environment of the groundwater abundant mines is formed by artificial drainage system and groundwater system, the drainage-groundwater system of mining groundwater environment was established by system analysis method. On this basis, the disaster mechanism induced by failure of mining groundwater environment system of the groundwater abundant mines was researched. The stochastic system model of drainage- groundwater mining groundwater environment system in water abundant mines was founded, and the criterion was built to judge whether system function failed and caused disaster. The built system model and disaster criterion were applied in Fankou mine. It is revealed that the identification of system disaster state by this model is effective in some scopes of times. System failure and hazard occurrence result from the increasing discrete degree of water level and from the fact that input flow rate is higher than output flow rate with the increase of time and low ability of bearing safe water level. The influence of three factors on system state from large to small is the flow difference between input and ouput, safewater level and the stochastic of system. The disaster mechanism induced by failure of mining groundwater environment system of the groundwater abundant mines is advisable. The system model and criterion are practical and effective, which provide decision support for prevention and control of mine water disaster.

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