Characterization and analysis of non-metallic inclusions in Ni42–Fe expansive alloy

来源期刊:中国有色金属学报(英文版)2007年增刊第1期(Part ⅡB)

论文作者:沈婕 夏天东 王晓军 冯晓春

文章页码:1165 - 1171

Key words:non-metallic inclusions; characterization; analysis

Abstract: Cracks and ruptures always occur during wire drawing process of 42% nickel-iron expansive alloy. In order to study the reasons of these phenomena, a method of metallographic observation in combination with sample electrolysis was used to characterize the non-metallic inclusions in the alloy wire. The results indicate that the inclusions in the alloy are oxidation products during the process of melting. There are single or complex phase inclusions composed of elements such as Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, and O2. Among them, the macro-inclusions are TiO2 compound inclusions formed by the adhesion of Al and Si oxides on them. These inclusions are fragile ones with a low strain rate, as well as a rather high hardness, so that they are the main reason that leads to the surface cracks and ruptures in the alloy wires. The analysis has educed that the key point to enhance the product quality is to promote the cleanliness of the melt, control the types and quantity of non-metal inclusions in the alloy.

基金信息:Gansu Provincial Scientific Key Scientific and Technological Project
Difficult Bidding Project of Jinchuan Group Ltd


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