

论文作者:李骞 饶雪飞 徐斌 杨永斌 刘婷 姜涛 胡龙

文章页码:1172 - 1179


Key words:manganese-zinc compound ore; hydrogen peroxide; sucrose; comprehensive utilization; manganese; zinc; leaching

摘    要:采用还原酸浸法对含铅、银的低品位锰锌复合矿进行综合利用。通过绘制Mn-Zn-H2O系的φ-pH图并对其进行分析可知,锰和锌在pH-2~5.61的酸性条件下可以同时浸出。实验结果表明:双氧水和蔗糖都是强化锰和锌同时浸出的有效还原剂,并且有利于铅和银在渣中富集。当以双氧水为还原剂配合硫酸对复合矿进行还原浸出时,锰和锌的浸出率分别为95.88%和99.23%,同时铅和银在渣中的品位分别富集到13.21%和489.36 g/t。当以蔗糖为还原剂时,锰和锌的浸出率分别为98.26%和99.62%,同时铅和银在渣中的品位分别富集到13.92%和 517.87 g/t。

Abstract: Comprehensive utilization of low grade manganese-zinc compound ore containing lead and silver with a method of reductive acid leaching was studied. According to the φ-pH diagram of Mn-Zn-H2O system, Mn and Zn can be leached simultaneously in the pH range of -2 to 5.61. The results showed that both hydrogen peroxide and sucrose were effective reductants which could intensify the simultaneous leaching of Mn and Zn into leachate as well as enrich Pb and Ag in the residue. 95.88% of Mn and 99.23% of Zn were extracted when the compound ore was leached with hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid media, meanwhile the contents of Pb and Ag in the residue were enriched to 13.21% and 489.36 g/t, respectively. When sucrose was used as the reductant, the leaching efficiencies of Mn and Zn separately achieved 98.26% and 99.62%, and contents of Pb and Ag in the residue were as high as 13.92% and 517.87 g/t, respectively.


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