论文作者:郭玉华 齐渊洪 周继程 王海风
文章页码:94 - 97
关键词:瓦斯灰; 含碳球团; 直接还原
Key words:flue dust; ore/coal composite pellet; direct reduction
摘 要:通过试验对高炉瓦斯灰和氧化铁皮制得含碳球团的直接还原进行了研究,考察了不同还原气氛、球团中不同C/O、还原时间、还原温度对还原结果的影响。结果表明:高温下含碳球团在空气中直接还原就能获得很高的金属化率。当球团中C/O在1.2以上时,球团的金属化率在还原过程中一直增加,在1 350℃下还原30 min,球团的金属化率达到96.94%。球团金属化率的变化趋势表明球团在反应开始是由化学反应控速环节控制,而后逐渐向扩散控速环节过渡。在1 400℃下空气中还原30 min,球团中还原出的铁与渣完全分离。
Abstract: Direct reduced experiments were carried out by using ore/coal composite pellets which were compacted by BF flue dust and mill scale.The effects of different reduced atmospheres,different C/O in pellets,reduced time and temperature to the reduction results were investigated.The results show that high metallization degree can be gained by reduced the ore/coal composite pellets under high temperature in the air.Metallization degree increases steadily with reduced time when the C/O in pellet is more than 1.2.And it reaches to 96.94% after reduced 30 minutes under 1 350 ℃.The trend of metallization degree change suggests the reaction in pellet is first controlled by chemical reaction,and then it gradually changes to diffusion control.Iron reduced from pellet separates from slag when ore/coal composite pellet reacted for 30 minutes under 1 400 ℃ in the air.
摘 要:通过试验对高炉瓦斯灰和氧化铁皮制得含碳球团的直接还原进行了研究,考察了不同还原气氛、球团中不同C/O、还原时间、还原温度对还原结果的影响。结果表明:高温下含碳球团在空气中直接还原就能获得很高的金属化率。当球团中C/O在1.2以上时,球团的金属化率在还原过程中一直增加,在1 350℃下还原30 min,球团的金属化率达到96.94%。球团金属化率的变化趋势表明球团在反应开始是由化学反应控速环节控制,而后逐渐向扩散控速环节过渡。在1 400℃下空气中还原30 min,球团中还原出的铁与渣完全分离。
关键词:瓦斯灰; 含碳球团; 直接还原