文章页码:108 - 112
关键词:偏序集; 哈斯图; CAI
Key words:partial ordering set; Hass Graph; CAI
摘 要:本文从CAI的角度,设计并实现了一种帧面型的CAI软件。该软件对任一关系可进行偏序判定,进而判定偏序集合是否为格,并由偏序求出其盖住关系,引入哈斯图逻辑层次的概念,在屏幕上自动生成哈斯图,完全达到了理论与实际的一致性。
Abstract: This paper will design and accomplish a kind of frame CAI software from the viewpointof CAI. This kind of software can conduct partial decision for any relation, determinewhether a partial ordering set is a lattice, and work out the cover relation from partial order-ing. It can also draw forth the concept of Hass logical layer and generate Hass Graph on thescreen automatically. This has fulfilled the coherence of theory and practice.