


论文作者:陈子龙 孙振家 杨楚雄

文章页码:117 - 122

关键词:成矿物质; 来源; 成矿条件; 微量元素; 稳定同位素; 钨矿; 邓阜仙

Key words:minerogenetic material; origin; ore-forming condition; trace element; stable isotope; tungsten deposit; dengfuxian

摘    要:产于复式岩体内接触带的邓阜仙钨矿床,其四组矿脉群中的矿脉形态、产状及矿物组成的空间变化规律、围岩蚀变类型、分布均有明显的差别,并具有一定的规律性;黑钨矿的Nb,Ta含量、mMn/mFe,mNb/mTa比值、黑钨矿及石英的氧同位素组成数据及由此而计算的成矿流体的氧同位素组成均随脉组的不同而规律性变化。成矿流体中渗透地下水参入量由北向南逐渐增加,且随成矿时间的后移而增加的规律。所有这些特征都表明矿区四组矿脉群是多次成矿活动的产物。

Abstract: Denfuxian tungsten ore deposit in Hunan Province, which occurs in the internal contact zone of granite complex, has four vein groups. Each vein group differs clearly from the others in the shapes, occurances, mineral assemblages and their distribution of veins. The alternation of the wall rock of each vein group also differs from one another in types and their distribution. The contents of Nb and Ta, mNb/mTa ratios, mMn/mFe ratios in wolframite change with vein groups' location; the compositions of oxygen isotopes of ore-forming fluids also change with vein groups. Thus it is indicated that the four vein groups were formed not by one but by several metallogenic activities.



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