


论文作者:章四琪 沈键 张新民 尹志明 卢斌 周文标 王学书

文章页码:99 - 103

关键词:铝锂合金; 热挤压; 回复; 再结晶

Key words:Al-Li alloy; hot extrusion; recovery; recrystallization

摘    要:研究了2091铝锂合金的管材热挤压变形时的动态回复与再结晶,挤压变形参数与挤压后亚晶尺寸间的关系。结果表明,铝锂合金热挤压时的主要恢复机制为动态回复和动态再结晶,但动态再结晶需在一定条件下才能被激活。温度是决定亚晶大小的最敏感参数。线性回归表明,温度补偿应变速率Z和亚晶尺寸d之间满足Hall-Petch关系。

Abstract: Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of 2091 Al-Li alloy tube during hot extrusion were studied. The relationship between extrusion processing parameters and subgrain size was demonstrated by introduction of temperature-compensation strain rateZand linear regression. The results showed that both dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallizationare main restoration mechanism of hot extrusion of the alloy, however, dynamic recrystallization can only be activated under some conditions; temperature is the most sensitive parameter to the subgrain size of the alloy.


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