论文作者:罗建华 武坤
文章页码:278 - 281
关键词:调度管理; 生产经营系统; 控制原理与方法
Key words:production control; production and operation system; principle and method for control
摘 要:探讨了企业调度系统对生产系统实施直接控制所采用的日产量、日产量累计实际与计划差异两种方法及其结合使用的作用,以及控制参数δ、ω的确定方法;探讨了对经营系统实施间接、指导性控制所采用的存量弹性控制方法及其弹性控制参数q的确定方法。
Abstract: This paper outlines the principle and method of control in dispatch ot enterprise,through studying the difference of reality and plan of daily output and daily output accumula-tive total,and the effect of combining them into application and the control parameters δ andω,for the direct control over production system,and through studying the method of elasticcontrol of storage,and the control parameter q,for the indirect control over operation sys-tem.The principles and methods have the practical value.