

论文作者:江树勇 张艳秋 赵亚楠 刘思维 胡励 赵成志

文章页码:4063 - 4071


Key words:shape memory alloy; NiTi alloy; martensitic transformation; heat treatment; microstructure

摘    要:镍钛形状记忆合金样品分别在573、723和873 K时效2 h。在573和723 K时效的镍钛样品中,可以观察到2个R相变体,而且这2个R相变体与B2基体之间的取向关系可以确定。在573 和723 K时效的镍钛样品中,细小均匀的Ni4Ti3沉淀相与B2奥氏体基体之间保持共格关系。在873 K时效的镍钛样品中,可以观察到Ni4Ti3沉淀相在晶粒内部和晶界处析出,不均匀的Ni4Ti3沉淀相与B2基体之间保持共格、半共格和非共格关系。对于873 K时效的镍钛样品,加热时发生B19''''马氏体向B2奥氏体转变的一阶相变,但在冷却时发生B2-R-B19''''的二阶相变。723 K时效的镍钛样品在冷却时也表现出B2-R-B19''''的二阶相变,但在加热时发出B19''''-R-B2的二阶相变。对于573 K时效的镍钛样品,由于Ni4Ti3沉淀相周围的局部应力不均匀和局部成分不均匀,则其发生三阶相变。

Abstract: NiTi shape memory alloy samples were aged for 2 h at 573, 723 and 873 K, respectively. Two R-phase variants are observed in the NiTi samples aged at 573 and 723 K, where the orientation relationship between the two R-phase variants and the B2 matrix is determined. In the NiTi samples aged at 573 and 723 K, fine and homogeneous Ni4Ti3 precipitates are coherent with the B2 austenite matrix. The Ni4Ti3 particles precipitate in the grain interior and at the grain boundaries, where the heterogeneous Ni4Ti3 precipitates are coherent, semi-coherent and incoherent with the B2 matrix in the NiTi sample aged at 873 K. As for the NiTi sample aged at 873 K, one-stage phase transformation from B19'''' martensite to B2 austenite occurs on heating, but two-stage phase transformation of B2-R-B19'''' arises on cooling. The NiTi sample aged at 723 K shows two-stage phase transformation of B2-R-B19'''' on cooling as well, but exhibits two-stage phase transformation of B19''''-R-B2 on heating. The NiTi sample aged at 573 K exhibits three-stage transformation on cooling due to local stress inhomogeneity and local composition inhomogeneity around the Ni4Ti3 precipitates.

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