
Enthalpies of Solution of Complexes of Rare Earth Nitrate with L-α-Histidine in Water


论文作者:高胜利 陈三平 刘洋 史启祯 房艳

Key words:rare earths; histidine; enthalpy of solution;

Abstract: The enthalpies of solution in water of complexes of RE(NO3)3 (RE=La~Nd, Sm~Lu, Y) with L-α-Histidine (His) were measured at 298.15 K. The standard enthalpies of formation of RE(His)3+(aq) were calculated. The "tetrad effect" regularity was observed from the curve, which is the enthalpies of solution plotted against the atomic numbers of the elements in lanthanide series.


Enthalpies of Solution of Complexes of Rare Earth Nitrate with L-α-Histidine in Water


(1.Departemnt of Chemistry, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Physico-Inorganic Chemistry, Northwest University, Xi′an 710069, China)

Abstract:The enthalpies of solution in water of complexes of RE(NO3)3 (RE=La~Nd, Sm~Lu, Y) with L-α-Histidine (His) were measured at 298.15 K. The standard enthalpies of formation of RE(His)3+(aq) were calculated. The "tetrad effect" regularity was observed from the curve, which is the enthalpies of solution plotted against the atomic numbers of the elements in lanthanide series.

Key words:rare earths; histidine; enthalpy of solution;


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