

论文作者:王小锋 彭超群 王日初 孙月花 陈以心

文章页码:2466 - 2472


Key words:BeO; gelcasting; green body; liquid desiccant; ethanol; drying rate; shrinkage rate; drying stress

摘    要:以乙醇为液体干燥剂,研究BeO凝胶注模坯体的液体干燥。采用质量称量和尺寸测量等手段,研究乙醇浓度和坯体固相体积分数与尺寸等因素对坯体含水率与收缩的影响规律,分析液体干燥应力并建立干燥初期的应力模型。结果表明:乙醇浓度越高,坯体的含水率下降越多,收缩率越小;坯体的固相体积分数越低,高径比越大,干燥效果越好;坯体因局部干燥速度不均匀而产生液体干燥应力;随着干燥的进行,坯体内部的应力由压应力逐渐转变为拉应力,而坯体外部则由拉应力逐渐转变为压应力。

Abstract: BeO gelcast green bodies were dried by liquid drying method with liquid desiccant ethanol. Effects of ethanol concentration, solids loading and aspect ratio of green body on the moisture and shrinkage of green bodies were studied through measuring mass and dimension. Additionally, liquid drying stress was analyzed and a model of the initial stage drying stress was established. The results show that higher ethanol concentration, lower solids loading and higher aspect ratio of gelcast green bodies increase the drying rate. Increasing the ethanol concentration decreases the shrinkage rate. Liquid drying stress is generated due to a non-uniform drying rate. During the process of liquid drying, the inner drying stress of the green body changes from compressive stress to tensile stress, while the outer drying stress changes from tensile stress to compressive stress.


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