


论文作者:杨杰 汪明朴 尹志民

文章页码:512 - 514


Key words:metallography; heat treatment; Cu based shape memory alloy; X-phase

摘    要:用金相、电子能谱微区成分分析等方法 研究了Cu-Al-Ni-Mn-Ti合金中X相的形成及热处理对X 相的大小、数量及分布的影响.结果表明:X相是在铸锭凝固过程中直接从液相中结晶形成的,在均匀化过程中,枝晶逐渐溶解、断开,形成游离的颗粒状X相;在 热处理过程中,逐渐球化形成XL相.当热处理温度较高时,XL相会部分地溶解,冷却时以脱溶方式形成大量弥散分布的XS相;而当热处理温度降低时,XS相又重新聚集形成XL相.

Abstract: This paper deals with forming of X-phase and the effect of heat treatment on size, amount and distribution of X phase in Cu Al Ni Mn Ti alloy by optical microscope observation and SEM. The results show that the X-phase is crystallized directly from the liquid phase in the course of ingot freezing. In the heat treatment process, the X-phase becomes spheroid and forms the XL phases. If the temperature of heat treatment is high, XL phase will solute partly and form a large number of disperse XS phases in the course of cooling. If the temperature is low, the XS phase will gather again and form the XL phase.




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