


论文作者:储刚 蒋晓光 林忠 李卫刚 邵帅

文章页码:22 - 25

关键词:铝电解槽; 沉淀物; X射线衍射; 组成分析

Key words:aluminum reduction cells; sediment; XRD; analysis of phase composition

摘    要:铝电解过程中形成的铝电解槽沉淀影响电解槽的使用寿命。采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了铝电解槽炉底沉淀物相组成,分析结果表明:取自电解槽底废炭砖表面白色和黑色部分中的物相主要以AlN、NaF、Al12((OH)0.5F0.6)6和Al(OH)3的形式存在,另外有少量的石墨化碳、CaF2和Na1.95(Al1.95Si0.05O4)等。废炭砖浅内层中的AlN含量明显减少,而NaF含量较高,说明电解铝过程中产生的NaF渗透到炭砖内部较多。废炭砖表面和浅表层中的原半石墨化碳已经完全石墨化。

Abstract: The sediment in aluminum reduction cells formed in the aluminum electrolytic process seriousely reduce the use life of the cells.The phase composition of sediment in oven base of aluminum reduction cells was analyzed by X-ray diffraction method (XRD).The results showed that the black and white part of the surface of scrapped carbon brick from the bottom of aluminum reduction cells existed mainly in the form of AlN,NaF,Al12((OH)0.5F0.6)6,and Al(OH)3,as well as a little graphitized carbon,CaF2 and Na1.95(Al1.95Si0.05O4).The content of AlN in the shallow interior layer of scrapped carbon brick decreased apparently while the content of NaF were relatively high,which indicates that much of NaF generated during the electrolytic process has penetrated into the interior of scrapped carbon brick.The original semi-graphitized carbon in the surface and shallow layer of scrapped carbon brick was fully graphitized.




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摘 要:铝电解过程中形成的铝电解槽沉淀影响电解槽的使用寿命。采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了铝电解槽炉底沉淀物相组成,分析结果表明:取自电解槽底废炭砖表面白色和黑色部分中的物相主要以AlN、NaF、Al12((OH)0.5F0.6)6和Al(OH)3的形式存在,另外有少量的石墨化碳、CaF2和Na1.95(Al1.95Si0.05O4)等。废炭砖浅内层中的AlN含量明显减少,而NaF含量较高,说明电解铝过程中产生的NaF渗透到炭砖内部较多。废炭砖表面和浅表层中的原半石墨化碳已经完全石墨化。

关键词:铝电解槽; 沉淀物; X射线衍射; 组成分析

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