
Preparation and properties of a new scintillating glass


论文作者:卢安贤 刘树江

文章页码:150 - 153

Key words:heavy-metal oxide; scintillating glass; fluorescence wavelength; decay time; radiation resistance

Abstract: A kind of new scintillating glass based on PbO- B2O3 heavy-metal oxides was prepared by doping a certain amount of SiO2, B2O3 and a little Ce3+ions as fluorescence agent using conventional melt quenching technology. The fluorescence properties of the glass were investigated by means of ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) absorption spectrum, excitation spectrum, emission spectrum, multi-channel time spectrum and transmission spectrum. The results show that the density of the glass reaches 7.89 g/cm3, and its fluorescence emission wavelength is 547 nm, fluorescence fade time 18.68 ns. Compared to CeF3, YAP, GSO, ThF4and PbF4etc.scintilla-ting crystals, the glass has a higher density, a faster scintillation decay constant, a longer emission wavelength and cut off wave length. But its ability of radiation-resistance must be improved in order to meet the requirements of application in high energy physics experiments under 106rad radiation in Co60source.


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