

论文作者:张忠华 边秀房 刘相法

文章页码:217 - 220


Key words:aluminum melt; degassing hydrogen; kinetics

摘    要:研究了铝熔体除氢时的除气和再吸气过程。实验结果表明:铝合金熔体除氢后,静置一定时间才能达到最佳除氢效果,静置时间和熔体表面状态有关:除氢后立即扒去表面浮渣,静置5~6 min为最佳;带渣静置,一般为10~12min。 此基础上,建立了铝熔体中氢的动力学模型,并对除氢和再吸氢过程进行了理论分析。

Abstract: The courses of degassing and regassing of degassing hydrogen in aluminum melt were studied. The experimental results show that holding is necessary after the melt is treated and there exists the best holding time which is related to the surface conditions of the melt. If inclusions are eliminated immediately from the melt surface, the melt needs to be held about 5~6min; if the melt is held with inclusions in the melt surface, the best holding time is about 10~12min. Based on the results, the mathematical modeling of degassing in aluminum melt has been established and the mechanism of degassing and regassing has been analyzed.


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