


论文作者:龚竹青 邓姝皓 陈文汨

文章页码:281 - 284


Key words:electrodeposition; nanocrystalline; nickel

摘    要:利用恒电流沉积的方法,在55~65℃、pH值小于3.5、电流密度大于5 A/dm2、含有糖精的瓦特液中分别以直流和脉冲方法镀取镍.经X射线衍射分析,镍晶体沉积层表现为(111)择优取向,扫描电镜和能谱分析结果显示,所得的镍晶晶粒尺寸为小于10 nm的纳米晶体,并且镀层中含有少量的硫.通过研究电流密度及溶液中糖精浓度对镍沉积速率的影响,发现电流密度低时,镍沉积速率与电流密度呈线性关系,糖精的加入使镍沉积允许的电流密度增大,沉积速率减慢,对镍沉积起增加极化作用.

Abstract: Galvanostatic deposition was used to electrodeposit nickel from a Watts bath containing saccharin at 55-65℃,pH value less than 3.5 and current density larger then 5 A/dm2 through D.C and pulse plating methods respectively. Comparing intensities of the nickel deposits with the traditional nickel deposit,it is found that the deposits have strong (111) fibre texture by using XRD analysing. The results of the SEMand EDS(energy dispersive spectroscope) analyzing show that the crystal of nickel deposits are nanocrystal line whose grain size is less than 100 nmand the deposits are found to contain a little surphur impurity.It is also found that the current density and concentration of saccharin have effects on the plating rate of the nickel deposition . The plating rate of the nickel deposition has linear relationship with current density at low current density,and the larger concentration of the saccharin and the higher allowable current density of the nickel deposition are, the lower platin grate ofthe nickel depsition is. Saccharin can cause polarization during the process of nickel deposition.


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