论文作者:罗建华 孙宗颀 高阳
文章页码:405 - 408
关键词:办矿模式; 生产承包; 企业机制
Key words:model of working mine; production contract; market economy managment mechanism
摘 要:在分析办矿旧模式主要问题的基础上,总结分析了我国安庆铜矿模式、长城铝业公司联办铝矿模式、锡铁山主体矿山对外生产承包模式等三种典型的办矿新模式的特点,对各模式的适用条件及推广价值给予了全面评价,并探讨了我国社会主义市场经济条件下办矿目标模式.
Abstract: This article studied the different features of three models of working mine enterprises, i. e. the model of Anqing copper mine, the model of jointly working Al mine of Changcheng Al Industrial Corp, and the Xitieshan mine bureau's model of mining production contracted by other units, on the base of analysing the mian problems of the old models of working mine enterprises. An objective appraisal of the application and dissemination of every model was made. And inquiries into the objective model under our country's socialistic market economy were also made.