

论文作者:夏玉峰 纪帅 张严东

文章页码:1111 - 1121


Key words:ultrahigh strength steel BR1500HS; dynamic recovery; parameter Z; constitutive model

摘    要:在Gleeble3500热模拟实验机上,采用等温热拉伸实验对BR1500HS超高强度钢在变形温度为1 023,1 073, 1 123和1 173 K,应变速率为0.01,0.10和1.00 s-1条件下的热流变行为进行研究。根据蠕变理论及实验流动应力曲线确定材料变形激活能、硬化指数等相关材料常数并引入Zener-Hollomon参数。通过位错密度演化模型描述加工硬化和动态回复对流动应力的影响,并建立包含稳态应力σss、屈服应力σ0和动态回复速率系数r这3个参数的本构模型。研究结果表明:由建立的本构模型所绘制的流动应力曲线与实验曲线具有高度一致性,所建立的本构模型能够应用于BR1500HS超高强度钢热拉伸过程的数值模拟及热成形工艺分析。通过回归分析法建立模型参数关于Z参数的表达式,获得流变应力与变形条件的关系。

Abstract: The deformation behaviors of ultrahigh strength steel BR1500HS at elevated temperature were studied by performing hot tension tests at temperatures of 1 023, 1 073, 1 123 and 1 173 K and strain rates of 0.01, 0.10 and 1.00 s-1 on a Gleeble3500 thermo-mechanical simulator. The activation energy, hardening exponent and other material constants were determined by the basic theory of creep and experimental curves, and the Zener-Hollomon parameter was also introduced. The effects of work hardening and dynamic recovery on the flow stress were described through the dislocation evolution model, and the constitutive model containing parameters such as saturated stress (σss), yield stress (σ0) and dynamic recovery coefficient (r) was established. The results show that the model curves are highly in accord with the experimental ones, which shows that the constitutive model is accurate enough to be applied for numerical simulation and provide guide for hot forming process. The relationships between the parameters in constitutive model and Zener-Hollomon parameter can be established by regression analysis, and thus the relationship between flow stress and deformation conditions can be achieved.


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