


论文作者:黄兵民 王永前 程建霞 赵连城

文章页码:139 - 142

关键词:形状记忆合金; 相变超弹性; NiTi形状记忆合金

Key words:shape memory alloy; pseudoelasticity; NiTi shape memory alloy

摘    要:研究了冷拔量、热处理}工艺参数对Ti-49.8%Ni合金丝材的超弹性的影响。结果表明不同冷拔量、不同退火工艺处理的丝材获得完全超弹性的温度区间、超弹性特性都不相同,获得最大超弹性应变量的处理的工艺为冷拔星39%、退火温度723 K、保温时间30 min。

Abstract: Influence of cold drawing and annealing treatments upon pseudoelasticity of NiTi wire with 49.8% Ni has been examined. It was shown that complete pseudoelasticity and different pseudoelastic characteristics were observed over a temperature range up to 45 K under varying cold drawing and annealing conditions. Excellent pseudoelasticity can be obtained in Ti-49.8%Ni wire annealed at 723 K for 30 min after 39% cold drawing reduction.


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