
Ignition time of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis by laser


论文作者:陈森昌 迟彦惠 史玉升 黄树槐

文章页码:49 - 53

Key words:SHS; laser; ignition model; ignition time

Abstract: The ignition of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) by a laser beam has very well application, but there is lack in study on the ignition process. In order to search the rule of ignition process with laser beam, ignition time of SHS was studied in detail. First one dimension ignition model was introduced: burning is the process in which one layer is ignited by next layer. Then according to Fourier conduction equation, an equation used to calculate the ignition time was deduced. Finally a series of tests were made to verify the equation. The results prove that the change of the parameters in test agrees well with the equation.


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