Tailoring thermoelectric properties of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn half-Heusler compound by defect engineering
来源期刊:Rare Metals2020年第6期
论文作者:Wenjie Xie Myriam H.Aguirre Anke Weidenkaff
文章页码:659 - 670
摘 要:The thermoelectric transport properties of Zr0.43Hf0.57 NiSn half-Heusler compounds were investigated for samples sintered with different spark plasma sintering(SPS) periods:8,32 and 72 min.By means of scanning transmission electron microscopy with a highangular annular dark-field detector(STEM-HAADF),it was found that sintering time affected the defect concentration,namely the amount of Ni interstitial atoms,and created locally ordered inclusions of full-Heusler phase.The structural information,phase composition and electrical transport properties could be consistently explained by the assumption that Ni interstitials give rise to an impurity band situated about 100 meV below the bottom of the conduction band via a self-doping behavior.The impurity band was found to merge with the conduction band for the sample with intermediate SPS time.The effect was ascribed to the gradual dissolution of full-Heusler phase inclusions and production of interstitial Ni defects,which eventually vanished for the sample with the longest sintering time.It was demonstrated that the modification of the density of states near the edge of the conduction band and enhanced overall charge carrier concentration provided by defect engineering led to overall 26% increase in the thermoelectric figure of merit(ZT) with respect to the other samples.
稀有金属(英文版) 2020,39(06),659-670
Krzysztof Galazka Wenjie Xie Sascha Populoh Myriam H.Aguirre Songhak Yoon Gesine Büttner Anke Weidenkaff
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
Department of Materials Science,Technische Universit?t Darmstadt
Laboratory for Solid State Chemistry and Catalysis
Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon, Universidad de Zaragoza
Departamento de Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad de Zaragoza
Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas, Universidad de Zaragoza
Fraunhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies IWKS
作者简介:*Wenjie Xie,e-mail:wenjie.xie@mr.tu-darmstadt.de;*A.Weidenkaff,e-mail:anke.weidenkaff@iwks.fraunhofer.de;
收稿日期:7 October 2019
基金:financially supported by German Research Foundation Priority Programme 1386(No.WE 2803/2-2);the European Union under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Program(W. J.X.);
Krzysztof Galazka Wenjie Xie Sascha Populoh Myriam H.Aguirre Songhak Yoon Gesine Büttner Anke Weidenkaff
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
Department of Materials Science,Technische Universit?t Darmstadt
Laboratory for Solid State Chemistry and Catalysis
Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon, Universidad de Zaragoza
Departamento de Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad de Zaragoza
Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas, Universidad de Zaragoza
Fraunhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies IWKS
The thermoelectric transport properties of Zr0.43Hf0.57 NiSn half-Heusler compounds were investigated for samples sintered with different spark plasma sintering(SPS) periods:8,32 and 72 min.By means of scanning transmission electron microscopy with a highangular annular dark-field detector(STEM-HAADF),it was found that sintering time affected the defect concentration,namely the amount of Ni interstitial atoms,and created locally ordered inclusions of full-Heusler phase.The structural information,phase composition and electrical transport properties could be consistently explained by the assumption that Ni interstitials give rise to an impurity band situated about 100 meV below the bottom of the conduction band via a self-doping behavior.The impurity band was found to merge with the conduction band for the sample with intermediate SPS time.The effect was ascribed to the gradual dissolution of full-Heusler phase inclusions and production of interstitial Ni defects,which eventually vanished for the sample with the longest sintering time.It was demonstrated that the modification of the density of states near the edge of the conduction band and enhanced overall charge carrier concentration provided by defect engineering led to overall 26% increase in the thermoelectric figure of merit(ZT) with respect to the other samples.
Thermoelectric; Half-Heusler; Interstitial; Defect engineering;
Received: 7 October 2019
1 Introduction
The half-Heusler compounds based on XNiSn (X=Ti/Zr/Hf) have a high potential for thermoelectric applications
XNiSn half-Heusler compounds crystallize in a cubic crystal structure (F43m space group),where atom X occupies the 4a Wyckoff position,Sn the 4b and Ni the 4c Wyckoff positions.The 4d position is unoccupied in the half-Heusler structure,but it becomes filled in the fullHeusler compound XNi2Sn,which is metallic
The influence of defects on the density of states (DOS)in ZrNiSn shows that interstitial Ni gives rise to an impurity level within the band gap
Our aim was to tailor the material properties by Ni defect engineering.Generally,the number of defects in any material can be controlled by heat treatment (for instance,annealing) for a certain amount of time.In this work,we aimed to vary the number of Ni defects in the Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn bulk samples via adjusting the holding time during the spark plasma sintering (SPS) process and investigate its effects on the thermoelectric performance of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn bulk samples.We demonstrated that the transport properties of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn compounds could be tuned by simply changing the SPS time through a selfdoping mechanism by Ni interstitial defects.
2 Experimental
Samples with the nominal composition of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn were prepared by arc melting in Ar (purity 99.9999%) pure metals:Zr (Sigma Aldrich,99.95%with nominal 3%Hf),Hf (Sigma Aldrich,99.9%with nominal 3%Zr),Ni (Sigma Aldrich,>99.95%) and Sn (Sigma Aldrich,>99.99%).The samples were flipped and re-melted several times.Afterward,the ingots were crushed and hand-ground into powders in an agate mortar.The powders were sieved to select the ones with grain size between 50 and 100μm and subsequently compacted by SPS (KCE
The SPS compacting step played a crucial role in the synthesis process.Three holding periods at sintering temperature were adopted as t1=8 min,t2=32 min and t3=72 min,and the samples are denoted as Sample 1,Sample 2 and Sample 3.The sintering time was selected to fulfill conditions t2/t1=22 and t3/t1=32,since according to Fick’s laws,the diffusion length is proportional to the square root of time.By selecting SPS time as described above,the diffusion lengths were increased twofold and threefold,respectively.The other parameters of the SPS process were the same for all samples:5000 Pa overpressure of Ar (99.999%) atmosphere,a 100 K·min-1 heating ramp rate up to T=1623 K and 50 MPa of applied uniaxial pressure during the sintering time
The crystal structure and phase composition of the samples were assessed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD,PANalytical X'Pert PRO).The diffractometer was equipped with a Johansson monochromator (Cu Kα1 radiation,0.15406 nm) and an X’Celerator detector.Diffraction patterns were recorded between 20°and 140°(2θ) with an angular step interval of 0.0083°for powdered samples.The lattice parameters and strain were determined by Le Bail fitting using the program FullProf
The morphologies and phase compositions of the samples were examined by scanning electron microscope(SEM,Philips ESEM-FEG XL30) with 20 kV acceleration voltage using the solid-state backscattered electron detector(BSED) and low-voltage high-contrast solid-state detector(vCD).For SEM imaging,each sample was polished(Buehler,Vibromet 2) using a 50-nm MasterPrep polishing suspension (Buehler) and finally rinsed with de-ionized water and ethanol.Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX) point spectra analysis was performed to obtain the average local composition with a resolution of a few micrometers.
For transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis,the samples were prepared in lamella shape by a5-30 keV Ga+ion polishing in a focused ion beam system(FIB,Helios 600 Nanolab),preceded by the deposition of a thin Pt layer to protect the sample during the milling process.Atomic-resolution high-angular annular dark-field imaging in scanning transmission electron microscope(STEM-HAADF) was done on an FEI Titan G2(60-300 kV) equipped with a probe-aberration corrector,a monochromator and a field emission electron gun.The aberration-corrected microscope was operated at 300 keV;the local atomic composition was analyzed by using an energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector,which allows performing experiments in scanning mode with a spatial resolution of about 0.2 nm.
The Hall resistivity (ρH) and the electrical resistivity (ρ)were measured with a physical properties measurement system (PPMS,Quantum Design) using the alternating current transport (ACT) option.The samples with approximate dimensions of 1.5 mm×1.5 mm×10.0mm were connected in a four-probe configuration by using a wire bonder (FEK Devoltec 5425) with a 20-μm-diameter Al wire to the ACT electrical interface.Measurements were taken in a He-purged,evacuated chamber in the temperature range of 10-400 K with a 10-K step size.At each temperature,the magnetic field (B) was swept from-0.7 to 0.7 T with 0.0015 T·s-1.The Hall coefficient (RH)was then derived as the slope of theρH(B) dependence.Afterward,the Hall mobility (μH) was calculated according toμH=RH·ρ-1.
The low-temperature electrical resistivity (ρ),thermal conductivity (κ) and Seebeck coefficient (α) were measured with PPMS (Quantum Design) using the thermal transport option (TTO).The same samples that were measured by PPMS-ACT were used.In the case of the TTO experiments,the samples were connected in a fourprobe configuration by using a 0.2-mm-diameter Cu wire and room-temperature-dried silver glue.Measurements were taken in high vacuum (~1×10-2 Pa) in a continuous mode with cooling rate of 0.4 K·min-1 in the temperature range of 400 K>T>2 K.The temperature gradient imposed on the sample was set to 1%of the current temperature.
The high-temperature electrical resistivity was determined in the temperature range of 325-1000 K with a 50-K step size by using an RZ2001i unit (Ozawa Science).Measurements were taken in Ar (99.999%) on the samples used previously for the PPMS-ACT measurements.The electrical resistivity was measured using a direct current(DC) four-point method.The corresponding Seebeck coefficient data were obtained in a steady-state method.Comparative measurements in ZEM-3 (ULVAC RIKO)were taken.In the RZ2001i unit,the applied temperature differences were in the range of 5-10 K and in the ZEM-3were in the range of 20-40 K.The measurements taken by ZEM-3 were performed in He (99.999%) atmosphere at a relative pressure of-5000 Pa.The Seebeck coefficient results obtained by the two different instruments match well with each other (within 15%).
The thermal conductivity was calculated fromк=Ddcp using the experimental results for thermal diffusivity (D),density (d) and specific heat under constant pressure (cp).The thermal diffusivity was measured with a laser flash apparatus (Micro Flash LFA 457,Netzsch) on squareshaped,graphite-coated samples with 10 mm in side length.Measurements were taken in Ar (99.999%) in the temperature range of 323-1023 K with a 50-K step.The cp of the samples was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC,Netzsch Pegasus 404C) in the temperature range of 400-1033 K during heating with10 K·min-1.The experiments were performed in50 ml·min-1 Ar (99.999%) flow by using Pt crucibles with an Al2O3 lining to prevent alloying between the crucible and the sample.A sapphire disk was used as reference material,and cp was calculated by using the ratio method.
Thermal conductivity,electrical resistance and Seebeck coefficient values were used to calculate the dimensionless figure of merit:ZT=α2T/(ρк).The uncertainty of each measurement was calculated according to the exact differential method based on the systematic errors of the measured values and the double statistical standard deviation,where available.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Crystal structure and phase composition
The diffraction patterns of the synthesized samples are presented in Fig.1.For each sample,the main phase belongs to the cubic F43m space group symmetry,which is a characteristic for half-Heusler materials.Each main phase reflection exhibits a low-angle shoulder with lower intensity (inset in Fig.1).It indicates the presence of another phase with Heusler or half-Heusler structure,but with a slightly larger unit cell.The intensities of the shoulder reflections evidence a non-negligible amount of the secondary phase for Samples 1 and 2,but a much lower amount for Sample 3.Sample 3 can be considered as the purest and ordered from the crystallographic point of view.The lattice parameters for the main phase (amain) and the expanded phase (aexp) obtained from Le Bail fitting are listed in the inset table in Fig.1.
Fig.1 XRD patterns of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn samples;inset patterns presenting (220) reflection showing a shoulder on the low-angle side,indicating a secondary phase with a larger unit cell;inset table being lattice and strain parameters (corresponding reflection positions of main and expanded phases being indicated by ticks on top of inset patterns;calculated expected position of (220) reflection for Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn being indicated by a black vertical line)
All obtained amain values are close to the reported experimental values for a similar composition (values found in Refs.
The phase with larger lattice parameter can be explained with various origins like local non-stoichiometry and/or micro-strains.And one of the plausible explanations considered is the existence of Ni interstitials
According to the calculated structure factor,the reflection intensity ratio of (200)-(220) is inversely proportional to the amount of full-Heusler phase,and the presence of the full-Heusler phase can be recognized from the (200) to(220) intensity ratio.The relative intensities ratio of (200)-(220) is 0.42,0.51 and 0.61 for Samples 1,2 and 3,respectively,which indicates that the amount of locally ordered full-Heusler inclusions diminishes with SPS time increasing.A strong evidence is that the (220) intensity ratio of the expanded phase to the main phase diminishes from 0.20 for Sample 1,through 0.12 for Sample 2 to 0.09for Sample 3.Intensity ratio comparison cannot be a measure of quantitative analysis of all the XRD data sets even with the identical measurement conditions and sample preparation;this finding can be a hint that the expanded phase is decreasing with SPS time increasing.
Fig.2 SEM-BSED images of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn samples in×500(left) and×1500 (right) magnification (local composition estimated from EDX point spectra):a Sample 1,b Sample 2 and c Sample 3
In SEM images presented in Fig.2,it is not possible to detect any inclusions of full-Heusler phases (>10μm) by means of EDX point spectra.The only secondary phases confirmed by EDX analysis are Sn,a compound with composition close to (ZrHf)5Sn3 and Ni3Sn4;their corresponding XRD reflections are very weak,thus not visible in the scale selected for diffractograms in Fig.1.It is expected that the secondary phases do not affect the transport properties directly due to their spatial isolation and a similar amount in all samples.
SEM images show the granular microstructure of the samples.The contrast between the grains of the main phase is due to their different orientations.By averaging the results of a number of SEM-EDX spectra (more than 20),it was possible to estimate the composition of the main phase.The results normalized to (Zr+Hf) contents are presented in Table 1.
The average composition of each sample shows a constant Zr/Hf/Sn ratio.The Ni/Sn ratio is greater than 1,suggesting either Sn deficiency or Ni excess.Ni excess in stoichiometric compounds was reported several times in the literature for ZrNiSn or Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn,where it was ascribed to Ni interstitials
Table 1 Estimated elemental composition and standard deviation obtained statistically from SEM-EDX results (values for each sample being normalized to (Zr+Hf) content) average Ni contents and the gray contrast of different grains in the SEM images.
Although the initially selected powder grain size was50-100μm,it can be seen from SEM images that during the SPS process,the samples underwent partial recrystallization which resulted in smaller grains.The advance of the recrystallization process appears to be proportional to the SPS time:for Sample 1 only a few grains fragmented into pieces with about 20μm in size are visible while in Sample 3 almost only grains with size of about 10μm are presented.The recrystallization is in line with the previous observation on the vanishing of the full-Heusler inclusions concluded from XRD results.
The samples with different SPS process periods were analyzed by atomic-resolution STEM-HAADF.Figure 3a shows a coherent full-Heusler inclusion in the half-Heusler matrix in Sample 1.Owing to the Z-contrast of HAADF which indicates the atoms with a different atomic numbers,it is possible to distinguish the full-Heusler and halfHeusler phases.The different colors arise from the degree of occupation of the lattice sites.Both phases localized in well-resolved,different areas show a slight mismatch detectable by the splitting of the diffraction planes (002),as seen from the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the whole image in the inset in Fig.3a.A detailed analysis is shown in Fig.3b,c.Figure 3b shows the full-Heusler alloy with every atomic position filled:Zr,Hf,Ni,Sn.The green color represents Ni occupying 4c and 4d Wyckoff positions,and the blue color corresponds to Ni vacancies.In Fig.3c,green still represents the Ni positions,but it is intercalated with vacancies (blue).The imperfections of Ni occupancy are detected by local EDS in situ STEM (see supplementary information) with high spatial resolution of aberrationcorrected TEM.
The variation of Ni composition was investigated on different length scales from 1000 to 15 nm.It changes from28 at%for Sample 1 through 22.6 at%for Sample2-18 at%for Sample 2.It agrees with the previous conclusion on the degree of the atomic ordering of the sample:longer annealing leads to enhanced atomic order.It also corresponds to a more homogeneous matrix and less fullHeusler inclusions in the half-Heusler matrix,as observed from XRD data.In Sample 2,the combination of disordered Ni interstitials and full-Heusler structure inclusion is beneficial for TE properties discussed in the next section.
3.2 Electrical transport properties
Figure 4 presents the results of the electrical resistivity measurements.In Fig.4a,the Arrhenius plots for all three samples are presented.The results acquired by different techniques (ACT and TTO) agree very well with each other,within the experimental error (below 2%).It shows that all samples are in the intrinsic regime of the electrical conduction at high temperatures and extrinsic regime at low temperatures.From the position of the low-temperature plateau,it can be concluded that Sample 2 has the highest concentration of impurities,whereas Sample 3 has the lowest
Fig.3 High-resolution STEM-HAADF image of Sample 1 a showing coherent intergrowth of half-Heusler and full-Heusler phase (inset being FFT pattern showing a slight mismatch detectable in diffraction planes (002) due to Ni occupancy);b,c enlarged phase regions (color code indicating atoms with different atomic number (Z) due to Z-contrast of HAADF detector,yellow-orange region representing full-Heusler and blue half-Heusler phase
Fig.4 a Arrhenius plot and b temperature derivative of electrical resistivity (dρ/dT) for Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn samples (inset in a presenting high-temperature electrical conductivity data and model fitted according to Eq.(1);open symbols representing data measured by PPMS-ACT and Ozawa RZ2001i;small,filled symbols measured by PPMS-TTO;the solid lines being spline-connected dρ/dT derivatives calculated numerically from results obtained by PPMS-TTO and RZ2001i;error bars in a being smaller than symbol sizes and left away for sake of clarity)
Table 2 Summary of fitted parameters for high-temperature electri-cal resistivity of three samples
At high temperatures,Sample 2 exhibits a remarkably higher electrical conductivity than Samples 2 and 3 (inset in Fig.4a).This observation is in line with the conclusion on the contribution of impurity carriers to the electrical conduction as concluded from the low-temperature resistivity data.The electrical conductivity (ρ) follows the equation:
where the first term corresponds to activation of the charge carriers over the band gap (AE0) and the second term describes activation of the charge carriers from the impurity level placed at AE1 below the bottom of the conduction band (all examined compounds are n-type semiconductors);kB is the Boltzmann constant;andσ0 andσ1 are preexponential factors.The most plausible explanation for the presence of impurity levels in the compounds is Ni interstitial defects in the half-Heusler matrix,which act as donors
The parameters for Samples 1 and 2 indicate that the band gap of the Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn compound is about340 meV.This is higher than the reported experimental result for similar Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn (240 meV),however,close to the one for Hf0.75Zr0.25NiSn0.99Sb0.01(~360 meV) and to the theoretically calculated value(430 meV)
The narrowing of the band gap in Sample 2 could be attributed to the presence of Zr-Sn antisite defects
By analyzing the dρ/dT dependency presented in Fig.4b,it is found that for Samples 1 and 2 at low temperatures,there is a regime where dρ/dT>0,meaning metallic-like conduction behavior.This can be explained by the conduction within the impurity level.In other words,the impurity level is a narrow band allowing for conduction with activation energy much smaller thanΔE1.For ZrNiSn-related compounds,it was found that at low impurity concentrations,the low-temperature conduction is attributed to variable range hopping
The impurity band connected with Ni defects can be further discussed in the scope of Hall measurements.Figure 5 a presents the Hall constant (RH) for the examined Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn half-Heusler samples which exhibits a non-monotonous dependence on T.The position of the maximum of-RH(T)(note the inverted scale) depends on the sample and is correlated with the amount of impurities;it is shifted to lower temperatures for less defected samples
where n andμe are the charge carrier concentration in the conduction band and their mobility,respectively
where NC=2(2π·mC*kBT)1.5/h3 is the effective density of states with mC*being the electron effective mass in the conduction band,ηF is the reduce Fermi energy,and h is the Planck constant,F1/2(ηF) is the Fermi-Dirac integral of order 1/2 with Gamma functionΓ(3/2)=π1/2/2,g is the spin degeneracy,andηimp=Eimp/(kBT) is the reduced impurity energy with Eimp being the impurity activation energy relative to the bottom of the conduction band
Equation (6) was solved under the following assumptions:mC*=3me,where me is the mass of electron,bimp=50(the shape of the observed-RH(T) dependency is a direct consequence of large difference betweenμe,imp andμe),and Eimp=100 meV (indicated by findings for E1 presented in Table 2)
For Sample 2,the Hall coefficient model agrees with the measurement data very well,allowing for estimating the amount of Ni interstitial defects as Nimp=2.6×1020 cm-3.For Sample I with a lower amount of impurities,Nmp can be estimated as5.0×1019 cm-3.For Sample 3,a rough agreement with the predicted behavior allows estimating a lower limit for Nimp from the value at the extreme as 4.0×1018 cm-3.These values correlate with the Hall charge carrier concentrations.For instance,at room temperature,|1/(RHe)|equals 1.3×1019,4.4×1019 and 6.5×1018 cm-3 for Samples 1,2 and 3,respectively.Differences between the data and the model in the positions of the extremes in case of Samples 1 and 3 suggest that they differ not only in Nimp,but also in other parameters,which were fixed during the modeling
The behavior of the Hall mobility (μH) is presented in Fig.5b.It is expected that there are at least two concurrent electron scattering processes,as the shape of theμH(T)dependency is non-monotonous.According to Matthiessen’s rule,a simple model describingμH(T) can be constructed as:
where A and B are constants;r and p are fitting parameters
Fig.5 a Hall coefficient measurement with a theoretical model and b Hall mobility data with an experimental fit for Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn samples
Fig.6 a Seebeck coefficient and b thermal conductivity of Zr0.43Hfa.57NiSn samples (Inset presenting a correlation between previously derived parameter (Nimp) and values of minimum of Seebeck coefficient and maximum of thermal conductivity;in b a theoretical T-1 dependency ofкfor Umklapp scattering being recalled)
3.3 Thermoelectric performance
The Seebeck coefficient and the thermal conductivity of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn samples are presented in Fig.6a,b,respectively.The general behavior is consistent with the predictions of the non-degenerate semiconductor theory,where the Seebeck coefficient is inversely proportional to the logarithm of charge carrier concentration,which is affected by the amount of intrinsic impurities like lattice defects
Fig.7 Dimensionless figure of merit of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn samples
Fig.8 A sketch of DOS of synthesized samples together with key physical parameters (distances representing energy differences drawn in same scale)
The thermal conductivity presented in Fig.6b shows that the dominant phonon scattering mechanism at high temperatures above 100 K is through Umklapp processes characterized by T-1 dependency (gray line in Fig.6b)
The resulting high-temperature data for the dimensionless figure of merit (ZT) of the samples are presented in Fig.7.It can be seen from Fig.7 that Samples 1 and 3show almost no difference in ZT.The higher Seebeck coefficient for Sample 3 is compensated by its higher electrical resistivity.Regardless of the differences in microstructure and the impurity concentration,the final thermoelectric performance appears to be almost the same.
In the case of Sample 2,the maximum ZT value is increased to about 0.9 between 700 and 800 K,and it increases by 26%compared to the maximum ZT of Samples 1 and 3.This improvement can be unambiguously attributed to a high Nimp compared to that of the other samples which leads to self-doping effect.This is due to a high number of interstitial Ni defects accommodated in the half-Heusler matrix.At high temperatures,the samples undergo recrystallization to a certain degree proportional to the SPS time and full-Heusler phase inclusions are dissolved.This process produces many single interstitial Ni defects for Sample 2,and further longer time sintering eventually diminishes their number for Sample 3.Interstitial Ni atoms play the role of electron donors.An analogical improvement of ZT can be achieved in ZrNiSn by Sb doping
4 Conclusion
The Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn half-Heusler compounds were synthesized by arc melting followed by SPS.Three samples with different SPS process periods were investigated.The sintering time was found to affect the defect concentration,namely the amount of Ni interstitial atoms occupying the4d Wyckoff positions.The presence of these structural defects,clearly visible by STEM-HAADF,is corroborated by XRD results as a high-angle shoulder in the halfHeusler diffraction patterns.Defects act as dopants giving rise to an impurity level within the band gap.Low-temperature electrical resistivity and the Hall measurement confirm that in the examined samples,the defect concentration is high enough to allow for electrical conduction within the impurity level and it behaves as an impurity band.Whereas Sample 3 with the longest SPS time(72 min) was found the most ordered one,Sample 2 with SPS time of 32 min was found to have the largest amount of Ni defects.This fact was connected to the process of recrystallization and dissolution of full-Heusler inclusions present at a high degree in originally synthesized samples.For Sample 2,the impurity band was found to merge with the conduction band,as concluded from a smaller value of the band gap and metallic conductivity at low temperatures.Owing to the modified density of states near the bottom of the conduction band and higher charge carrier concentration for Sample 2,the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) was increased.The transport properties of Zr0.43Hf0.57NiSn and related half-Heusler compounds can be tuned by simply changing the SPS time through selfdoping mechanism by Ni interstitial defects.
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