


论文作者:陈松岭 彭省临 王增润

文章页码:1 - 5

关键词:矿田 推覆构造 滑脱构造 火山构造

Key words:orefield nappe structure decollement structure velcanotectonics

摘    要:着重探讨了澜沧老厂银铅矿田基本构造特征,对矿田内发育的褶皱构造、断裂构造、推覆构造、滑脱构造、基底(断裂)构造和火山构造等进行了较为全面的论述;首次提出了该区存在较大规模的滑脱构造,并对其特点、形成机制及其与成矿的关系作了深入的探讨,解决了该矿田长期以来悬而未决的成矿构造问题。针对该矿床存在三种不同类型的矿体群,从控矿构造的角度出发,分别论述了不同时代、不同类型和不同层次的构造对矿体的控制作用。运用大比例尺遥感技术,对该区的火山机构进行解译和精确定位,首次提出在老厂地区存在一个大型火山活动中心-老厂火山洼地,老厂矿床受大型火山洼地中次级喷火口控制的观点。最后,从构造演化历史出发,对构造与成矿的关系作了较为系统的概括。

Abstract: Focused on the basic structural characteristics of Laochang Ag-Pb orefield in Lanchang, Yunnan, in an all-round way, the folds, faults, nappe structures, decollement structures, basemental (fault) structures and volcanotectonics developed in the orefield have been approached. For the first time, a large-scale decollement structure in the studied region was found, and its characteristics, genesis and relation to the metallization were discussed in details, which, therefrom, clarifies the metallogenic structures of the ore filed that had been in suspense for a long time. Aimed at the three different types of orebody groups within the ore deposit, discussion was made from the angle of ore-controlling structures on the controlling effects of the different times, types and levels of structures on the orebodies. Furthermore, the volcano-tectonics in the region were interpreted and located accurately by remote sensing method. A new opinion was put forward that there was in Laochang district volcanodepression whose secondary craters controlled the Laochang Ag-Pb ore deposit. Finally, a summary on the relation between structures and metallization was systematically made on the basis of the sturctural evolution history.



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