

论文作者:邓长寿 赵秉岩

文章页码:620 - 624


Key words:hard constrained optimization problem; self-adaptive combination mutation operator; probability selection rule; selection operator

摘    要:针对一类难约束优化问题,提出一种不可行解驱动的差分进化算法求解方法。该算法利用2个不同变异算子的时变线性组合,定义一种自适应组合变异算子,有效平衡算法的全局搜索能力与局部搜索能力;基于一种概率选择准则定义一种新选择算子,有效选择可行解与不可行解,使得种群自适应地保留适当比例的不可行解进行寻优。该算法可求解难约束优化Bump问题,得出新最优解,与其他算法可求解结果比较后显示了其高效性。

Abstract: In order to solve the hard constrained optimization problems, an infeasible solutions driven differential volution algorithm was proposed. A self-adaptive combination mutation operator, which can balance the exploration capability and the exploitive capability, was defined using the two traditional mutation operators. Based on a selection rule, a new selection operator was constructed which can decide the one to exist between a feasible solution and an infeasible solution. The new optimum of the bump function found by the new algorithm shows that it is effective in solving the hard optimization problem.


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