


论文作者:钟霖 梁敏

文章页码:100 - 107


Key words:export tax; RE resource; sustainable development; strategy

摘    要:出口税是近年来各国贸易政策中最常用的一种出口限制措施,各国在贸易管理政策中常常运用出口税来实现一定的贸易目标稀土是一种不可再生的宝贵战略资源,我国不论是在稀土的储量、还是在产销量上都是世界大国近年来随着稀土资源的无节制开采、无序竞争及低价出口,造成了我国稀土资源的紧缺我国政府对稀土出口进行战略性调整,从鼓励稀土出口到逐步下调税率到取消出口退税,目前正不断加征稀土出口关税文中从我国稀土产品出口税收政策的变化,深入细致地分析了我国稀土产品出口价格、出口数量等方面因此而产生的变化,指出目前我国稀土资源可持续发展的问题所在,并提出相应的对策建议。

Abstract: China has carried out a series of export tax policies to maintainable development of RE industry considering its non-recyclable and strategic value. This paper explains the change process of RE Export tax policies, which led to RE export price and quantity variation. Some major problems in the sustainable development of RE industry, including resource waste, export quotas reducing, are analyzed. Some suggestions are put forward for the sustainable development of RE, such as technological innovation, RE strategy reserve system, export tax policy.



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