


论文作者:陈立彪 朱小溪 李川 刘敬华 蒋成保 徐惠彬

文章页码:169 - 172

关键词:Fe81Ga19单晶; <001>取向; 磁致伸缩; 磁晶各向异性

Key words:Fe81Ga19 single crystal; <001> orientation; magnetostriction; magnetocrystalline anisotropy

摘    要:采用悬浮区熔法,加入籽晶控制牛长取向,以4 mm/h的牛长速度,制备了轴向〈001〉择优取向的Fe81Ga19单晶.极图测试结果发现,采用偏离轴向〈001〉方向约5°的籽晶牛长得到的单晶,牛长始端和牛长未端轴向取向分别偏离〈001〉取向5°和4°,上下取向差仅为1°.另一单晶采用轴向〈001〉取向籽晶牛长得到,当施加60 MPa压力时,饱和磁致伸缩性能达到0.0324%.测试了〈100〉,〈110〉和〈111〉取向单晶的初始磁化曲线,利用初始磁化曲线,计算得出Fe81Ga19单晶的磁晶各向异性常数值K1和K2,分别为1.3×104和-2.6×104J/m3.

Abstract: The Fe81Ga19 single crystals were grown in a floating zone melting furnace at a growth rate of 4 mm/h by using a seed crystal.A single crystal was grown by using the seed crystal oriented 5°from the <001> orientation.Pole figure tests were taken at different parts of the single crystal and showed that the start and end parts’ axial orientations were 5° and 4° from the <001> orientation,respectively.Another single crystal was grown by using the seed crystal oriented <001> orientation.Magnetostrictive properties along the axis of the crystalsλ// were measured for the single crystal,and the saturated magnetostrictionλ// up to 0.0324%was achieved under the pre-stress of 60 MPa.Initial magnetization curves were measured in single crystals along <100>,<110> and <111> axis,respectively.From the magnetization curves,magnetocrystalline anisotropy constants of Fe81Ga19 alloys were calculated,and the values of K1 and K2 were 1.3×104 and -2.6×104 J/m3,respectively.





摘 要:采用悬浮区熔法,加入籽晶控制牛长取向,以4 mm/h的牛长速度,制备了轴向〈001〉择优取向的Fe81Ga19单晶.极图测试结果发现,采用偏离轴向〈001〉方向约5°的籽晶牛长得到的单晶,牛长始端和牛长未端轴向取向分别偏离〈001〉取向5°和4°,上下取向差仅为1°.另一单晶采用轴向〈001〉取向籽晶牛长得到,当施加60 MPa压力时,饱和磁致伸缩性能达到0.0324%.测试了〈100〉,〈110〉和〈111〉取向单晶的初始磁化曲线,利用初始磁化曲线,计算得出Fe81Ga19单晶的磁晶各向异性常数值K1和K2,分别为1.3×104和-2.6×104J/m3.

关键词:Fe81Ga19单晶; <001>取向; 磁致伸缩; 磁晶各向异性

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