论文作者:陈慧光 张多默 郭学益 刘志宏
文章页码:43 - 47
关键词:镍包钨复合粉末 联氨 液相还原
Key words:nickel-coated tungsten composite powder hydrazine aqueous phase reduction
摘 要:在含有悬浮细颗粒钨粉的氯化镍溶液中,采用联氨液相还原对镍包钨复合粉末的制备进行了研究,探讨了工艺条件对镍沉积速率及复合粉末性能的影响。结果表明,在合适的工艺条件下,联氨液相还原是制得成分均匀、分散性好的镍包钨复合粉末的简单有效而又成本低廉的方法。
Abstract: The research was conducted on preparation of nickel-coated tungsten composite powder by hydrazine reduction in aqueous solution and the effect of processing conditions on the deposition of nickel upon tungsten was investigated. The results indicated that under proper processing conditions uniform deposition layer of nickel upon tungsten powder can be obtained from the nickel chloride solution which contains suspended fine tungsten particles, and the hydrazine reduction is an effective, simple and low cost method for nickel-coated tungsten composite powder preparation.