

论文作者:李玉龙 冯吉才 何鹏 闫久春

文章页码:1269 - 1273

关键词:TiAl/40Cr;感应钎焊; 显微组织; 力学性能

Key words:TiAl/40Cr; induction brazing; microstructures; mechanical properties

摘    要:以Ag-Cu-Ni-Li为钎料对TiAl与40Cr进行了高频感应钎焊, 研究了TiAl/40Cr钎焊接头的界面组织和力学性能。采用扫描电镜、 电子探针、 X射线能谱分析仪等分析了界面组织及生成相,测试了接头的抗拉强度及界面生成相的显微硬度。 结果表明: 钎料与2种母材发生界面生反应成Al3Ti、 Ag[s, s]、 Ti(CuAl)2、 Ti2Ni和TiC等多种反应相, 接头界面结构Al/A为Til3Ti/Al3Ti+Ag[s, s]/ Ti(CuAl)2+Ti2Ni+Ag[s, s]/TiC/40Cr。 在实验所选的工艺参数范围内, 当连接温度θ=850℃, 保温时间t=180s时, 接头的抗拉强度达到265MPa。

Abstract: Induction brazing of TiAl and 40Cr using Ag-Cu-Ni-Li foil as filler metal was investigated. Both interfacial microstructures and mechanical properties of brazed joints were studied, and the influence of brazing temperature was evaluated. The interface structure formation phases of the joints were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis and X-ray diffraction, the tensile strength of joint and the microhardness of the formation phases were tested. The results show that Ag-Cu-Ni-Li has reacted with both of the base metal and Al3Ti, Ag[s, s], Ti(CuAl)2 and Ti2Ni phases have been produced. The typical interface structure of brazed joints can be expresses as TiAl/Al3Ti/Al3Ti+Ag[s, s]/ Ti(CuAl)2+Ti2Ni+Ag[s, s]/TiC/40Cr. The excellent joint tensile strength obtained is 265MPa when the temperature of joint is 850℃ and time is 180s.


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