
Low-temperature Synthesis of MoS2@CoS2 Heterostructures in KSCN Molten Salt for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction


论文作者:AI Wei HE Song

文章页码:18001 - 18002

摘    要:<正>Transition metal sulfides(TMSs) have been recognized as potential electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction( HER),where the edges and defects of TMSs are known as the active sites[1-2]. MoS2 with layered crystal structure is so far the most frequently investigated one,however,the associated HER activi-


Low-temperature Synthesis of MoS2@CoS2 Heterostructures in KSCN Molten Salt for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

AI Wei,HE Song

Institute of Flexible Electronics,Northwestern Polytechnical University

摘 要:<正>Transition metal sulfides(TMSs) have been recognized as potential electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction( HER),where the edges and defects of TMSs are known as the active sites[1-2]. MoS2 with layered crystal structure is so far the most frequently investigated one,however,the associated HER activi-


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