论文作者:贾彦 吴超 董春芳 李常平 廖慧敏
文章页码:4547 - 4553
Key words:green plants; determination at the micro-conditions; ability of dust adhesion; leaf surface structure; dust particle size
摘 要:采用显微图像分析系统,对7种绿化植物叶片滞尘能力进行测定及对叶表粉尘粒径进行分析统计,并采用电镜观测研究叶表结构特征。研究结果表明:7种植物中,叶表布满沟状组织的杜鹃花、女贞树与叶表布满气孔且排列无序的桂花树滞尘能力较强,叶表密布极细沟状组织的红桎木与紫叶李滞尘能力较差;通过沟状组织、气孔等结构滞尘的叶片,滞尘能力受外界环境影响较小,且波动较小,而通过叶表面和纤毛滞尘的叶片,滞尘能力受外界环境影响较大、且波动较大;叶表沟状组织可以增加叶表粗糙度而增强滞尘能力,沟壑通过粉尘颗粒粒径筛选并滞着粉尘,沟壑较窄的叶片适合滞着粒径较小的粉尘颗粒。
Abstract: The ability of dust removal of seven green plants was determined and the number of dust particles with different sizes on the leaf table was calculated using microscopic image analysis system. Electron microscope was used to scan and analyze structure of leaf surface. The results show that the leaf epidermis of rhododendron moulmainense, ligustrum quihoui and osmanthusfordii which are densely covered with trench-like organizations and stomas have stronger ability of dust adhesion among the seven green plants. The leaf epidermises of lorpetalum chindenseva.rubrum and prunus cerasifera f.atropurpurea with small trench-like organizations and stomas have rather weak ability of dust adhesion, but they have stronger ability of fine dust adhesion. Action of leaf with trench-like organizations and stomas for adhesion dust can little be influenced by the external environment, and this function can be kept rather constantly. Action of leaf for adhering dust by surface and cilium can greatly be influenced by the external environment, and the ability of adhering dust is variable. The trench-like organizations make leaves cruder and increase the dust adhesion ability. The trenches on leaves are connected with dust particles by size. Narrow trenches are more suitable to adhering dust particles with smaller particle size.
(中南大学 资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083)
摘 要:采用显微图像分析系统,对7种绿化植物叶片滞尘能力进行测定及对叶表粉尘粒径进行分析统计,并采用电镜观测研究叶表结构特征。研究结果表明:7种植物中,叶表布满沟状组织的杜鹃花、女贞树与叶表布满气孔且排列无序的桂花树滞尘能力较强,叶表密布极细沟状组织的红桎木与紫叶李滞尘能力较差;通过沟状组织、气孔等结构滞尘的叶片,滞尘能力受外界环境影响较小,且波动较小,而通过叶表面和纤毛滞尘的叶片,滞尘能力受外界环境影响较大、且波动较大;叶表沟状组织可以增加叶表粗糙度而增强滞尘能力,沟壑通过粉尘颗粒粒径筛选并滞着粉尘,沟壑较窄的叶片适合滞着粒径较小的粉尘颗粒。
JIA Yan, WU Chao, DONG Chun-fang, LI Chang-ping, LIAO Hui-min
(School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract:The ability of dust removal of seven green plants was determined and the number of dust particles with different sizes on the leaf table was calculated using microscopic image analysis system. Electron microscope was used to scan and analyze structure of leaf surface. The results show that the leaf epidermis of rhododendron moulmainense, ligustrum quihoui and osmanthusfordii which are densely covered with trench-like organizations and stomas have stronger ability of dust adhesion among the seven green plants. The leaf epidermises of lorpetalum chindenseva.rubrum and prunus cerasifera f.atropurpurea with small trench-like organizations and stomas have rather weak ability of dust adhesion, but they have stronger ability of fine dust adhesion. Action of leaf with trench-like organizations and stomas for adhesion dust can little be influenced by the external environment, and this function can be kept rather constantly. Action of leaf for adhering dust by surface and cilium can greatly be influenced by the external environment, and the ability of adhering dust is variable. The trench-like organizations make leaves cruder and increase the dust adhesion ability. The trenches on leaves are connected with dust particles by size. Narrow trenches are more suitable to adhering dust particles with smaller particle size.
Key words:green plants; determination at the micro-conditions; ability of dust adhesion; leaf surface structure; dust particle size